Dr. Update
I just got back from my doctor visit. Everything is looking great. Baby’s size and heartbeat are normal and good. My blood sugar was ok. Iron ok. Weight and blood pressure ok.
Then we got to the portion of the visit where I get to ask whatever questions I have. Patrick wanted me to ask how long after my due date I’d be allowed to go before being induced. Neither of us are super fond of the idea of induction unless it is necessary for the health of the baby or um, me. So when I got the very assurred, “Oh you won’t be going past your due date. With diabetes, we’ll probably have you go a week early” it wasn’t exactly the answer I was looking for. If that holds true instead of being due on the day of my last final, I’ll have to arrange to take my finals a week early. Also, that means that this Thursday when I’m supposed to switch to having 9 weeks left, I’ll only have 8. So yes, I’m freaking out a little, feel free to join me!
I know it will all be fine, but right now I’m very nervous about the things that aren’t ready. Especially Patrick and I! So Kelli, I told you there was no way I could hold out until your birthday on May 17th!
Luckily Kelli threw a lovely shower for me on Sunday where I got a lot of great stuff to get us started. The baby won’t be naked. We can bath and groom it. And it will have blankets and a few toys to keep it company. It was very nice girl time to have everyone over and I really enjoyed it. Kelli was nervous as it was her first baby shower to throw, but I thought it was great! It was my first baby shower to attend too 🙂
Oh, I’m also having a pain that I asked about. The great news is that it will get worse as the baby gets lower. And it will probably spread to both sides instead of just one. Ouch.