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5/18/2005 Category :General 0

We saw “Spamalot” Wednesday and it was really good. I honestly didn’t expect to be that entertained by it, but I loved it. It was probably my favorite since seeing “The Lion King” in London.

It’s based on “Monty Python’s Search for the Holy Grail” and it follows the movie to a large extent, but there are a few things cut and replaced by new ones. I think the changes make it even funnier. David Hyde Pierce, Tim Curry, and Hank Azaria were in it and all did a great job. It was such a production. The set was very intricate with tons of moving piece. It made it very easy to get into the world of make believe.

This coming Tuesday we will see Sarah McLachlin again at Madison Square Garden. I haven’t been there yet so that will be exciting.

Kelli’s Birthday

5/16/2005 Category :General 0

Kelli decided a couple of months ago that she wanted to spend her birthday with us in New York this year so she headed up for a long weekend. She got here Friday evening. I am proud to say I drove to the airport to pick her up over two big bridges and lived to tell the tale despite the navigation system in the car trying to get me lost and sending me down a one way street!

We stayed in that evening and stayed up chatting while Patrick was out at a house warming/birthday party for a co-worker. Saturday we slept in a little and then got up and went to the Musuem of Modern Art. My favorite, and by odd coincidence, Kelli’s favorite (we discovered this a couple of years ago) painting is there. It’s Picasso’s “Girl Before A Mirror”. I don’t know many people who even know this painting, so it’s always been kind of special for us to share it as our favorite. The great thing about the MoMA is that unlike a lot of musuems, they let you take photos as long as there is no flash. So Kelli got a few photos and even took a picture with each of our cell phones so it’s now my screen saver on my phone. Also at the MoMA is Van Gogh’s “Starry Night” which is my second favorite. We had a good time seeing them in person.

Then we headed over to Chinatown where we met Patrick who had spent the day working in Bryant Park on his laptop. ( I should add that for the first time that we’ve had company here the weather was beautiful 99% of the weekend.) Kelli with her increadible nack for getting us into interesting situations quicky attracted the attention of the purse dealers. One mumbled under his breath, Louis Vitton, Coach, follow me. I hadn’t heard this but the next thing I know I’m following Kelli down the stairs of a little building in the middle of chinatown. Not our smartest move but the story ends well so no harm. Kelli loads up on purses (which way have to wonder if people are selling knockoff’s in the middle of the street why these are so secret. Ok, we don’t really have to wonder, even we aren’t that naive!) Then we went to the same restraunt we’d eaten at for my birthday before coming home and enjoying a night in.

Sunday we hit the outlet mall. Kelli was happy to partake of Patrick’s discount and NJ’s lack of sales tax. And I was happy to get a few springy/summery additions to my wardrobe.

I had Monday off but Patrick went in to work…ha ha, so rare that I get to say things like that! So Kelli and I slept in and then went and had a nice slow paced lunch at a neighborhood restraunt before I had to drive her back to the airport.

Another good visit, but we sure were tired when our second set of company was gone! No offense Kelli!

Next up on the company front, Patrick’s Dad and Stepmom will be here for Father’s Day and then Andy and Sara will be here in honor of their 1st anniversary over the 4th. Looking forward to both of those visits!


4/24/2005 Category :General 0

Friday night we went and saw Ethan Hawke in Hurlyburly. Wallace Shawn, Parker Posey and Bobby Cannavale were also in it. I wasn’t crazy about the story but there were some really funny parts and good commentary on the world.

The story centered around Ethan Hawke’s character and three of his friends, the women in their lives and heavy drug use. It was one of those stories where at the end nothing really changes or gets better. No character ever has an epiphany or anything, it just ends. So we were kinda left to wonder what the point was. Patrick can deal with that kind of story a little better than me, but I need a clear cut ending, preferably a happy one.

My favorite line is when Parker Posey and Ethan Hawke are having a very melodramatic arguement and she tells him to stop yelling. He says, ” My voice is raised for emphasis which by the way is a perfectly legitimate use of volume.” Patrick likes when Josh Hamilton (the jerky friend from With Honors)the only one who didn’t do any drugs, says to Ethan Hawke, “Are you going to remember this in the morning or is this one of your biodegradable moments?” So we enjoyed it, and the acting was good, but not my favorite story.

Yesterday we went to the movies. First time we’ve been to see anything new in awhile and it was nice to go. We watched “A Lot Like Love”, which I really liked. I know, I’m a total cheesey romantic, what can I say. And darn it if I don’t like Ashton Kutcher more and more everytime I see him in something else. I really don’t want to like him, but I do.

Today I’m very tired from several days of running around like crazy and not getting enough sleep. Think I’ll head to bed early and get ready for the week.


4/21/2005 Category :General 2

Tonight we went to a benefit for the Association of Hole in the Wall Camps which Paul Newman founded for children with serious illness and life-threatening conditions.

Tony Bennett, The Emerson String Quartet, Robin Williams, Julia Roberts,and Paul McCartney along with Paul Newman and some kids from the camp put on an hour and a half show to raise money for the camps. I never really thought I liked Tony Bennett, but he was actually pretty darn good. Of course Patrick was increadibly excited to see Robin Williams since that’s one of his favorite comedians. I was excited to see Julia Roberts, and a little beyond excited to see Paul McCartney.

But see them we did. We were just off the left of the stage, in a box on the second level. Sounds expensive, but it really wasn’t. We had a great view, if you don’t count having to look through the rail. When Paul McCartney played the piano, we had a perfect view of his hands. He sang Yesterday, one of my favorite songs, and Lady Madonna. Julia Roberts was really cute, she was nervous as she read a college essay written by a former camper. And at the end, she was laughing at Paul Newman, and she really does have that funny laugh. I loved it!

It was a really memorable night, and we were a little star struck. Especially after having walked through the line of photographers waiting outside. Not that they paid any attention to us!

Stuff like this is the neatest part of living here.

My weekend

4/18/2005 Category :General 2

Erasure was awesome! The concert was at Irving Plaza, a small venue where everyone stands up the whole time. We were fairly close, and if I was taller, I would have had a great view of them the whole time. But, I did get to see them about half the time. They are such fun performers. They are like the Barenaked Ladies in that respect, you can just see on their faces that they really love what they are doing. They played all my favorites too, so I was very happy. The only problem was the we were packed in very tightly and every once in awhile I had to stick my head into the nearest open space to take some deep breathes because I was getting a bit claustrophobic.

On Friday Patrick got an announcement that tickets would be going on sale at 10:00 that day for a benefit, and he managed to call in and get tickets before they sold out. He really does have the best luck, if only he would use it to win the lotto! So, this benefit— Here’s what they say about it:

Stars in the Sky: An Evening to Benefit the Association of Hole in the
Wall Camps Paul McCartney, Julia Roberts, Paul Newman, Robin
Williams, Mary J. Blige, Tony Bennett, Hezekiah Walker and The Love Fellowship Choir, the Emerson
String Quartet and AntiGravity. Live on stage for one-night-only at Avery Fisher Hall, Lincoln Center to benefit the Association of
Hole in the Wall Camps.Thursday, April 21, 2005 at 7:00 p.m.

I’m pretty excited about that! I don’t even care what they will be doing. I’ll write more about that on Friday after we’ve been.

Sunday we had a nice day in the city walking around Soho. It was another nice day and everybody was out enjoying it. If we had a sailboat it would have been really tempting to hop in and sail away. I would say maybe we are in for nice weather from here on out, but it’s supposed to rain and the temp. will drop Thursday through the weekend.

The Rob Thomas solo cd comes out tomorrow. Hope it’s not too KISS FMie for me.


4/14/2005 Category :General 0

Man I’ve been under a fog this week. I’ve been having a hard time coming up with complete sentence or anything remotely intelligent to say. I’ve been kidding Patrick about all the intellectually stimulating conversations we don’t have. But then again, today I was one of the only two people at work who knew what succinct meant. Even the english major in the bunch didn’t know! Come on…AP English. So that made me feel a little smart! Especially when the human resource lady said she thought it sounded like something to do with the kitchen sink.

Tonight Patrick and I went to the free thursday night movie that we sometimes go to. They were showing The Usual Suspects, which is one of his favorites. On the way in Patrick tried to lose his wedding ring. He’s lost so much weight that it’s really loose and it fell right off his hand and started rolling….right into oncoming traffic. But I managed to grab it and not get hit by any cars. Now he’s wearing it on another finger until we can get a smaller one. We’ll probably go to the Thursday night movie again in two weeks when they show L.A. Confidential. Tomorrow night is Erasure! I’m looking forward to that. Then Saturday Patrick will be in Philly again.

Next Friday night we are going to see Hurlyburly. Not exactly sure what it’s about but I know it was on broadway in the 80’s and a movie in the late 90’s. But the most important part is that Ethan Hawke is in it, and I’m an Ethan fan. Well, not as much after the whole cheating on Uma thing, but what can you do? We wanted to go around Valentine’s day but it was always sold out. Last Friday I got a notice that tickets were on sale for the extended run and I sent it to Patrick just as a reminder to talk about it, but he actually took the inititive to buy the tickets for me since I was having a bad week! Pretty sweet of him.

It’s been nice weather during the day, but cold and windy at night. I told Patrick if I never see either of my gray winter jackets afer this year I won’t cry. The endless sea of gray and black coats gets a little old. You know someone’s a tourist when they are in color.

Washington D.C.

4/11/2005 Category :General 1

Friday afternoon Patrick got the idea that we should go to D.C. and look around on Sunday. It was the peak weekend for viewing the cherry blossoms. So we decided to head that way, taking a car to a city close to D.C., parking, and then taking a train the remaining 20 minutes in.

It was a gorgous day with perfect weather, sunny and about 70. So of course I got a sunburn! We had a great time though. The city was so clean and beautiful and everybody was out enjoying the day. There was so much to see and we only had a few hours so we didn’t catch it all. We’ve decided we’ll have to go back and spend the weekend there sometime so we can go to all the musuems and see some of the memorials that we didn’t make it to this time. Here are pictures from our trip. Pretty much if we saw it, we took a picture of it. It was a really great way to relax from an overly long week.

“It’s winter. There are fewer people on the street.”

3/27/2005 Category :General 0

Saturday was the first nice weather day in a long time, and it was very evident that everyone was intent on enjoying the out of doors. The food vendors on the Jersey side were back on the street as well as the purse and dvd booths, and in general, there were just more people on the street.

Patrick and I decided to enjoy the day by walking around the city and going to the Guggenheim Musuem.

As we were walking we came across this school. It really made us want to stay in the area long enough to have kids to send to there.

We enjoyed the Guggenheim, though it was very small. When we went to the MET we spent probably a good two hours there and hardly saw any of it. When we went to the Guggenheim, we saw all seven floors in one hour. But we did enjoy what was there. There was an art project called “The Eye of the Storm” that was all around the musuem. which was basically a lot of stripes and a lot of color. The top two levels were each a single exhibit, one on the fcc/airwaves and one on fallen stars.

I want my Mommy and Dadddy!

3/23/2005 Category :General 2

What a crappy day! Everyday at work my computer gives me the white screen of death about 30 times, and no, I’m really not exaggerating. And every day two of the guys there work for a few hours to fix it taking time away from them doing their jobs and me doing mine. So that combined with all the time I spend trying to restart and reopen everything makes for a lot of wasted time. Today the only thing I accomplished on my computer was to print a couple of work emails and send a few. Nothing else would work at all.

Yesterday one of my bosses told me they just got a G4 back from the repair shop and I could have that today to replace my G3.
But instead, I got to play tech support and trouble shooter…yet another job responsiblity so not in my job description! I spent ALL day waiting for my computer to restart and run through first aid repair…which to me is like trying to give a person mouth to mouth when they’ve already flatlined. Pointless. Oh, and it crashed twice while I was running the repairs. But that didn’t discourage my boss who was bound and determined not to give up. My computer is toast. Or at the very least needs professional help, which we for some reason have no one in the company for. But I never got the G4. Supposedly tomorrow. But I don’t understand why I couldn’t have spent the time getting that one set up and let someone else at the apple store work on the one I have.

Then, it started sleeting just in time for me to drive home. The drive was yucky, but not too bad. I got home and bundled up to walk the dogs. And for those of you that read my other dog story, you know I’ve learned it’s not possible to hold an umbrella while walking two crazy dogs. So I didn’t take one, but I put a hat on.

I didn’t realize how windy it was and that the rain/sleet combo had started to blow sideways and mix with a little snow. Wind and ice are blowing at me from all directions, but I get the dogs out and get done as fast as possible and start to walk home. Then I realized my keys had fallen out of my pocket somewhere. So in the midst of trying to stand upright in the wind and rain, sleet slapping the sides of my face and neck and dogs getting leashes tangled and pulling me in two different directions, I try to look for them, but can’t find them.

I had to take the dogs to the office and beg to borrow a key, which they wanted me to leave ID for. Who takes ID to walk dogs? Luckily, Patrick’s super friendliness paid off as he has made friends with the assistant manager and she let me take the key. I got the dogs in, put a scarf on, got the umbrella and headed back outside.

And do you know where my keys were? At the bottom of the steps leading up to the building. And I looked there! I still can’t feel my ears.

My iTunes iMix

3/21/2005 Category :General 0

For anyone that uses iTunes at all, I made an iMix. I’m a little dissappointed because I put a few songs on it that are really meaningful to me and iTunes didn’t have them, so they aren’t on there.

Here is the link:


Is anyone reading this thing?

3/20/2005 Category :General 3

If you love me and you know it, make a post! Not exactly the same ring as if you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands, but you get the point.


3/20/2005 Category :General 2

It’s always been hard for me to fall asleep at night, but I’ve made a lot of consessions since getting married. I’ve learned to sleep with the fan on even when it’s 20 degrees and the door open, which I never used to do. The biggest consession though is that I’ve learned to fall asleep with the TV on. Every night we pick a movie to fall asleep to. Patrick gives me a hard time because the one thing I do insist on is that it’s not scary or violent…which in our movie selection really narrows things down. It mostly means we can only watch the few chick flicks (not that I agree with that term) that I’ve snuck into the collection. Most of my movies are still on VHS.

One of the movies we fall asleep to the most is Bridget Jones because we both really like that one. Patrick loves the line about looking like she’s just escaped from Auschwitz. In the theater, we were the only people that laughed at that. So I have been waiting for the second movie to come out on DVD. I was very excited to find that it was out early today at the store. Even though the second one doesn’t follow the book as well as the first one does, it’s still pretty good.

I love the movies first and foremost because they have Colin Firth in them, and let’s face it, he’s pretty darn good looking. But I also love them because Bridget is such an every woman. I really relate to her because she tries to be this perfect, confident and pulled together woman but underneath it all she’s just a huge insecure dork.

I love the skiing part of the second movie when she doesn’t get off the lift in time. It starts to go back around and she has to jump off. That actually happened to me the first time I went skiing, but I didn’t jump…they had to STOP the lift and let me off. As Kelli can tell you, we still refer to that as the “I’m glad your so confident, ’cause I’m still on the lift” story…as that’s what I said as Kelli got off and I started to go back around. Like Bridget, I’m also prone to imagining scenarios in my head though not so fantastical.

Pretty quiet weekend. Patrick was out all yesterday with friends in Philly. He sent me a text message with a picture of the Liberty Bell. I enjoyed a nice day of cleaning while listening to my music full volume and singing at the top of my lungs. My favorite two stress relievers. I know it’s weird to like to clean, but there is just something so relaxing to me about making everything nice and neat and orderly and putting it in it’s place.

Patrick and I finally figured out one of my problems in dancing—apparently I’m leading without even being aware that I’m doing it. Can’t give up control for even a second I guess! But since I don’t realize I’m doing it, it makes it a hard thing to stop. We “graduate” next week and have had a lot of fun taking the classes.

So now another Monday is rolling around. Another week of work. Another week of admin duties. But you never know, maybe this is the week my ACTUAL job will start. I know, it’s not the end of the world, and I’ll tough this out as I tough out everything else.


3/14/2005 Category :General 2

This weekend Patrick and I bought scene it, a boardgame with a DVD and trivia questions about movies and TV. Normally that is the type of trivia I can actually beat him on, but this game was really hard. Patrick beat me three times to my one win. I felt a need for revenege in order to help my wounded ego, so I suggested we play the 90’s edition of Trivial Pursuit that he got for Christmas. I am better at that version than any other besides the 20th anniversary edition.

But apparently I was having a huge mental lapse because I forgot I was suggesting playing against Patrick, the King of useless trivia. He was beating me very badly but I caught up. We’ve started playing the way were after you get all the pie you have to go to the center and answer a question from the category of the opponents choice. We never played that way in my family. So finally we were both to that point but we kept missing questions when we were in the middle. And then Patrick got an easy one, and he won!

So the moral of the story is, if you want to win a trivia game, don’t play against Patrick. He knows things he has no reason to know especially when he can’t remember things I said to him 5 minutes ago! And he is the master of pulling answers out of thin air. I swear he can see through the cards!

This is my space. This is your space…

3/7/2005 Category :General 2

Patrick and I took our first dance lesson Friday night. I can confirm once and for all that I have no rhythm. The first thing we had to do was listen to the music and bounce along to it.That was the hardest part for me…and it’s supposed to be easy!

From there we moved on to the basic steps of the Lindy and the Foxtrot. We had a class immediately followed by a review session. The teacher for the review session explained things a little better, so I finally got some of the moves down. We’ll see how I do next week when we learn two more dances. But I had a suprising amount of fun.

I’ve had an earache for several days now and at first I thought it was because I was run down. I got some eardrops for pain relief this weekend and they help a little for a little while, and then it hurts just as badly as before. I think I have an infection or something. I need to go to the Dr. but will have to find a way to get work to let me do that.

Not much exciting happened this weekend. We watched some netflix and cleaned the apartment. This weekend we are making plans to use some comedy club tickets we got.

So no exciting news, but someone was bugging me to update:)

Week number 2 of employment

3/1/2005 Category :General 0

This is my second week of work and I’ve done very little of my actual job duties as of yet. So far I’ve done a lot of filing and labeling and other such busy work. Which isn’t bad, it just delays settling in.

I did actually learn how to do something today that will be part of my job. I get to place logo’s on different publication covers in quark! Also, I got called in to a meeting to hear about some copy I will be writing just as soon as this lady gets me the information.

It kind of seems to be a group of people who are really smart and creative, but not so good at explaining things, organizing things or coming up with the most direct and simplistic way of doing things.

Friday Patrick and I start dance lessons (his co-workers gave us a g/c on his birthday). That should be interesting. I’ve also been invited to attend Improv workshops on Tuesday nights for free. I will probably start that next week as I’m too tired today.

I’m getting lots of experience driving in the snow everyday. I hear it stops snowing in April or so!

1st Day of Work

2/22/2005 Category :General 0

I started my new job today. Not sure what to think yet as things were a bit unorganized. I’m sure it will be great, but for today is was a tad frustrating. You know how I like everything all organized! But the great news is that I get a paycheck on Friday! Patrick and the IRS thank me profusely.

Congratulations Bob you finally got a job

2/15/2005 Category :General 7

I got a job that I start on Tuesday!

I went in for an interview through The Creative Group for a proofreader/copy writer position. Had a great first half of the interview with two men and then they told me that they interviewed someone yesterday that was over qualified and if she’d take the job they really felt like she should have it. So I was very discouraged until they said that I’d made the choice harder than they thought it’d be and that they should
really take us both. They sat there mulling things over for a few minutes and then mentioned that they had another position that they needed filled that wasn’t exactly defined yet.

So we talked about that one….I would get to do some layout, not the design, but the physical placement of stuff in a program that I’ve been wanting to learn and then help out wherever needed. I told them I was interested and they said they had some talking to do.

Well, I just got the call from the creative group that said I got it. They created a position just for me, I think my title will be Production Coordinator and it pays more than the job I went in for. Of course, she also mentioned that the other person hand’t taken the proofreader/copywriter job yet, so it sounds like they just knew they wanted me and didn’t really care where. I should have had to go through a trial period, but they are skipping that and hiring me on full time from the begining. They said they felt comfortable with my
talent and professionalism and personality that they didn’t need the temp part!

I’ll be working for Emco, an office supply catalog company. Not a super exciting thing to help layout but oh well!

So I’m really excited. And, I get to play the rest of this week before starting on Tuesday!


2/10/2005 Category :General 1

Apparently Rob Thomas (of Matchbox twenty) is now also a solo artist with a new cd coming out April 26th. Yippy!

So I’m a dork!

2/6/2005 Category :General 1

I’ve wanted to learn to play the guitar for years. Since the begining of the year I’ve really been on a kick that I want to challenge myself to learn and try new things. I don’t really know a whole lot about what types of guitars are good or anything like that, aside from the obvious names.

I’ve looked on ebay a couple of times to see what’s out there and anything I recognized as good was of course expensive. I was just searching for drums on ebay for a friend and decided to check the guitars again. Apparently Sunday night is a great time for auctions to end as there were two or three pages of sales ending in mere minutes. One in particular ended in 4 minutes and was a penny. So I bought it. It’s probably the world’s biggest piece of crap,but it comes with accessories and it only cost a penny plus shipping and handeling.

Now I just have to learn to play and hope I don’t suck. But a friend just told me if I do suck, I can blame it on the cheap guitar!

Irony, not a fan?

2/3/2005 Category :General 0

I’m going to a new volunteer meeting for Habitat for Humanity because I signed up to help with their newsletter. The meeting is at a Starbucks.