On the 3rd I had a sonogram. If we were going to find out the sex of the baby, this would have been the time to try to do that. Luckily we had made up our minds not to find out, becuase the baby was not cooperating, or actually, I guess it was. It had its legs crossed and curled and there was no budging it.
It was moving a lot though. There was one really neat shot of the whole spine were with the way it was moving, it looked like a dinosaur skeleton. Kinda neat. The lady doing it, I guess you’d call her a technician, not sure, was so helpful. Other times people haven’t really told us much about what we were seeing. She explained everything and took all of Patrick’s curious questions. She even drew an outline around the forehead, nose, and chin on the picture of the face to make sure that we could tell what we were seeing. So far, everything is going well and normal and according to my count down we have 3 months and 19 days left. The doctor does say it should be anywhere from May 8-15.
The fist picture is the baby’s arm. The second is the head and body and the third is the profile of the face.