Category :General
I’ve been working on taking pictures of the kids so I can enter them in the Regis and Kelly baby contest. No, I don’t want them to be models, but it’d be fun to see them on the cover of a magazine and it’d be great to have the money for college. Here are two cute ones of Emily today.

Category :General
Be sure to click on the pictures so you can see them better.

He’s wearing my shoes.

You might notice there is a little recurring theme of Emily in chairs in recent posts. She working hard on climbing up in the chairs herself but can’t do it yet. But when I put her in the chair she seems so proud to be there. She just sits and smiles and kicks her feet.
Category :General

The day before her birthday. She is so proud of herself for being able to get into Brenden's chair.

Weight: 20 lbs 8.8 oz (41%)
Length: 29 in (46%)
Head: 17 3/4 (50%)
She got four shots and took those much better than her brother who got the h1n1 mist in his nose and freaked out!
Category :General
After having a blowout of a 1st birthday party for Brenden, we decided to go low key for Emily’s big day. They say the party is for the parents at this age and since we’ve already had ours, we skipped it this time around. So I hope they are right about that and that Emily doesn’t some day say she hates us ’cause we didn’t have a big party!

Hard to tell but it's an E and then 1 candle on the cake. Brenden wasn't impressed. He thought there should be a number 1 candle.

Looks like it's Brenden's birthday doesn't it?