Sick Baby
I took Brenden to the play area at the Collin Creek Mall on Tuesday. He loves to go play with the kids and go up and down the slides. Poor kid doesn’t get to spend a whole lot of time around other kids. He had a great morning playing and then came home for a nap. When he work up he had a surprise visit from Grandma and Grandpa and wore himself out again. He was one tired little guy by the end of the day.
When he woke up Wed morning, he had thrown up in his bed. I gave him milk. He threw up. I gave him more milk because he begged for it. He threw up more milk. Any time I gave him milk or crackers he would throw up. He also had a slight temp of 99.4 so I knew I had to keep fluids in him. The nurses line at his doctor suggested giving it to him in spoonfuls but Brenden was having none of that. So I kept giving him electrolite water mixed with juice in little sips in his cup. Anyway it was a long day of cleaning up the carpet and the kitchen floor and the chairs and his clothes.
Thursday he didn’t throw up once, but any time I picked him up he was cuddle and warm. Brenden is not generally one to sit still long enough to cuddle, so I knew he still didn’t feel good.
Today I gave him milk for breakfast as usual because he had successful kept some down last night, but today it quickly came back up. It’s been a long week, but the good news is that he’s been taking 2 1/2-3 hour naps all week! Darn carrier monkeys at the mall!
That stuff is going around, I guess. I think I picked it up from Will, who, fortunately, seems to have kicked it in 24 hours. Hope I can, too. Hope Brenden feels better soon, poor baby.