Man I’ve been under a fog this week. I’ve been having a hard time coming up with complete sentence or anything remotely intelligent to say. I’ve been kidding Patrick about all the intellectually stimulating conversations we don’t have. But then again, today I was one of the only two people at work who knew what succinct meant. Even the english major in the bunch didn’t know! Come on…AP English. So that made me feel a little smart! Especially when the human resource lady said she thought it sounded like something to do with the kitchen sink.
Tonight Patrick and I went to the free thursday night movie that we sometimes go to. They were showing The Usual Suspects, which is one of his favorites. On the way in Patrick tried to lose his wedding ring. He’s lost so much weight that it’s really loose and it fell right off his hand and started rolling….right into oncoming traffic. But I managed to grab it and not get hit by any cars. Now he’s wearing it on another finger until we can get a smaller one. We’ll probably go to the Thursday night movie again in two weeks when they show L.A. Confidential. Tomorrow night is Erasure! I’m looking forward to that. Then Saturday Patrick will be in Philly again.
Next Friday night we are going to see Hurlyburly. Not exactly sure what it’s about but I know it was on broadway in the 80’s and a movie in the late 90’s. But the most important part is that Ethan Hawke is in it, and I’m an Ethan fan. Well, not as much after the whole cheating on Uma thing, but what can you do? We wanted to go around Valentine’s day but it was always sold out. Last Friday I got a notice that tickets were on sale for the extended run and I sent it to Patrick just as a reminder to talk about it, but he actually took the inititive to buy the tickets for me since I was having a bad week! Pretty sweet of him.
It’s been nice weather during the day, but cold and windy at night. I told Patrick if I never see either of my gray winter jackets afer this year I won’t cry. The endless sea of gray and black coats gets a little old. You know someone’s a tourist when they are in color.
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