This message is brought to you by the emergeny packing systems….
I’m getting a little loopey packing. I could have sworn after the move to Jersey followed by a two day move from upstairs to downstairs I wasn’t supposed to pack again. Patrick is busy working from home and helps me when he can, but man we really have a lot of stuff. We are having a “garage” sale tomorrow to sell some things we bought specifically for the apartment. Meanwhile we have no space to put packed boxes and set up for the sale so things just keep shifting around and I can’t really lift much. So I pack a box, tape it and leave it for Patrick to move!
The dogs are completely freaked out and are staying close to us. When I packed in TX they didn’t see me do it, they’d just come in and find more boxes at the end of the day. But here they just look at me everytime I put something in a box. I think they don’t think they are coming with us, or possibly worse, that I’m going to put them in a box soon!
We are really ready to get home. There are a lot of things we like about this area but whenever it comes to driving and customer service we just have to look at each other and say, ahh Jersey. Not that we’ve romanticized TX any, we know there are bad drivers and bad service there too, but it seems those are the exceptions rather than the rule. I think we’ve had our fill of bad driving. Of course that isn’t to say everyone is a bad driver, so if people from my old work are reading this, I don’t mean you!
Ok, back to packing.
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